Black River Technical College now offering a new ‘traditional’ path to nursing

By Jurnee Taylor | January 13, 2020 at 10:24 PM CST – Updated January 14 at 5:59 AM

POCAHONTAS, Ark. (KAIT) -The Arkansas State Board of Nursing gave the go-ahead to one Northeast Arkansas college to offer an Associate of Applied Science in Registered Nursing to its students.

Students at Black River Technical College can now take a traditional pathway without the requirement of being a Licensed Practical Nurse and they will learn in a state-of-the-art facility.

“We have manikins that don’t do anything to manikins [with] hearts [that] beat. They breathe, they talk, they sweat, they have a seizure. If you need to have clinical experience, we run it in this lab,” said Ramonda Housh, dean of nursing and allied health.

Students must complete general study courses as pre-requisites to get into the program. Once accepted, they must complete three additional semesters before they are eligible to register for the Registered Nursing exam.

The college urges students to get those applications in early as submission dates could break ties in the selection process.

For more information, contact Housh at (870) 248-4173.